1.1 Backgorund
Along with the rapid
technological advances, new inovations are created to enable people to perfom
their activities. The impact of technological progress is felt also in the
world of banking industry where service providers have to compete strictly to
create customer satisfaction. Costumers satisfaction is subject to pursued in
order to arise in service. Satisfying costumers can be given by the bank in
order to survive and able to win the competition. Customer satisfaction has
become a concept central to the theory and practice of marketing, and is one of
the goals essential for business activity. Customers satisfaction can be caused
by a variety of things that exist and attached to the customers need attention
special bank manager, such as attitude and realibility teller.
Teller as one of the
spearheads are always directly associated with the customer becomes the central
one for the standard of service bank. Due to its function, the teller role
where every day customers will be served immediately and got a certain value in
mind. For serve its customers, the bank teller employed by the spotlight by a
customer who came in and served. Teller must behave and act specified in a such
a ways as to be able to add value for the customer satisfaction served.
Unfavorable attitudes and behavior of a teller can reduce customer satisfaction
which ultimately becomes a bad barometer for the the performance of the bank
Customers satisfaction
will make the customers become loyal to the company and the company’s success
can be seen from how companies retain their customer so loyal or disloyal use
the services offered by the company. Customer loyalty is the customer
commitment of a brand, store or supplier based on a very positive attitude and
is reflected in the consistently repeat purchases (Sheth & Mitaal in
tciptono, 2004).
What about in the teller
attitudes in Bengkalis Bank? Do the tellers attitudes have significancies
effect toward customer satisfaction? Base on the above questions, the
researcher interested to do a research about the teller attitudes toward
customer satisfaction, especilly in Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the problems outlined above, then the
problem in this research is: “do the teller attitudes have an influence on
customers saftisfaction in Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis?”
1.3 Limitation of the Study
The scope of this research is limited to the teller attitudes in
expalining customer satisfaction in Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
1.4 Purpose of the Research
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of
this research are:
1. To find out the influence of teller
attitude toward customers satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
2. To determine wheater the teller
attitude in Bank Mandiri Syariah have significant effect towards customers
1.5 Significance of the Research
Based on the background above, the significancies expected from
this research are:
1. For the Researchers
Add insight that has been owned for this through learning
college as well as a comparison between and practice in the field of marketing
management, particularly on the practice banking.
2. For the Readers
It is Eepected it must to increase the knowledge of the readers
who want to know more clearly about the effect of teller attitudes toward
customer satisfaction in Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
3. For the Bank
It can provide additional information about the quality of
banking services that have been provided by Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis. It
can give customer satisfaction has achieved and how the level of loyalty among
existing customers in use banking services.
4. For State Polytechnic of Bengkalis
For State Polytechnic of Bengkalis, it is expected that research
can be an additional reference and literature that can be used by the campus
and the students who conduct research, as an additive and comparative material
in accordance with their need.
2.1 Related Research
Writing this researh refer to previous research performed by
Luiz Moutinho and Anne Smith (2000) under the title “Modelling Bank Customer
Satisfaction Through Mediation of Attitudes Towards Human and Automated
Banking”. The research was conducted in the UK by the year 2000 to take up the
subject of research on clients in twenty-five private banks.
In a previous study it examined the influence of customer
perception the satisfaction received by mediating attitude teller and system
services automatic clients banks in the UK. The variables used in previous
studies comprising perception of ease service three indicators variables,
attitudes toward the teller and services automatic seven indicator variables, and
the loyalty three indicator variables.
2.2.1 Definition of Teller
Teller is an employee of a bank who deals directly with most
customers. In some places, this employee is known as cashier. Most teller job
require cash handling experience and a high school diploma. Most banks provide
on the job training.
Teller are considered a “front line” in the banking business.
This is because they are the first people that a customer sees at bank and are
also the people most likely to detect and stop fraudulent transaction in order
to prevent losses at a bank. The posititon also requiresw tellers to be friendly
and interact with the customers, providing them with information about
customers’ accounts and bank service.
2.3 Attitude
2.3.1 Definition of Attitude
the term attitude was first used by Herbert Spencer in 1862, which is defined
as a person’s mental status ( in Djunaidi, 2011: 1),. Some psychologist such as Louis Thurstone, Rensis Likert,
Charles Osgood stated that the attitude is a form of evaluation or feeling
reaction which may favorable or unfavorable on a particular object. Meanwhile,
a group of sosial psychologist such as
Cheve, Bogardus, LaPierre, Mead, and
Gordon Allport considers the attitude of readiness (Potential Trend) to react
to an object with certain ways.
LaPieree ( in Anwar, 1995).defines attitude as a pattern of behaviour,
tendencies or anticipatory readiness, and predisposition to adjust with social
situation, or simply attitude is a response to social stimuly that have been
According to
Kashmir (2003: 219), there are some basics
that services must be understood, as follows:
Dressed and look neat and clean, It means customer service officer should
wear a shirt and suitable pants with interesting
combinations. Customer service should not be dog-eared and dapper dress long
sleeves not rolled. Impressed clothing worn actually lure consumers.
Confidence, being familiar and full of smiles in serving
customers customer service representative is not in doubt, be sure and
confident that high. Customer service representative should also be familiar as
if it had known for years. In serving customers customer service representative
should be smiling with a look on his face that appealed to, and not contrived.
Say hello to gently and try to name if known. By the time
the customer comes customer service representative must be immediately greeted
and when it met earlier try to greet by name.
Calm, polite, respectful, and diligent listening to every
Try at the time of serving customers in a state of calm, do not rush, courtesy in attitude, respect guests and listen at the same time diligently trying to understand consumer desires.
Try at the time of serving customers in a state of calm, do not rush, courtesy in attitude, respect guests and listen at the same time diligently trying to understand consumer desires.
Speak the language of good and true, Means of communicating with customers using
Indonesian language is true or correct areas too. The voice that used to be
clear and easily understood in the sense not to use terms that are difficult to
understand by the customer.
Passionate in serving customers and show its ability to
serve customers do not look sluggish, lethargic or lacking vigor. Show service
excellence as if indeed you are very interested in customer willingness desire.
Do not interrupt and interrupt, By the time the customer is talking try not
to cut off or interrupted. Then avoid sentences that are reprimand or innuendo
that might offend customers. If something happens try not to argue.
Able to believe in customer satisfaction and provide, each service provided must be able to
convince customers to argument in favor. Customer service representative should
also be able to provide satisfaction for services provided.
If you are not able to handle the existing problems, ask
for help,
It means that if there are any questions or problems that cannot be answered or resolved by the customer service, it must be able to ask for assistance officer.
It means that if there are any questions or problems that cannot be answered or resolved by the customer service, it must be able to ask for assistance officer.
10. If not able to serve,
inform when will be served,
It means that if at a given time, customer service officers busy and cannot
serve one customer, then tell the customer when it will be served with the
In serving
customers is indispensable various customer service attitude is able to attract
customers in touch with customer service. Its core customers feel at home and
not polite when dealing with customer service. Then the client isnot offended
by the attitude of customer service. Which them deem inappropriate.
According to
Kashmir (2003: 222), some of the attitudes
that must be followed by the customer service are:
Give customers the opportunity to express his desire to
In this matter customer service representative should be
able to listen and try to understand the wants and needs of customers.
Listen carefully,
Customers during their
opinions heard and listen carefully without making any movement that could
offend customers, especially the movement of the body is considered impolite.
Do not interrupt the conversation before the customer had
finished speaking,
Before customers had
finished speaking customer service personnel are prohibited from cutting or
interrupting the conversation. Keep the customer is completely finished new
customer service representative responded.
Ask a question after speaking customers,
Submission of questions to new customers if the
customer was finished talking. Filing with the language question should be a
good, concise and clear.
not get angry and irritable,
Speech, gesture or tone
should never offend customers. Then do not easily angered customer service to
clients who tempered.
Do not argue with the customer,
If there are things that
are less agreed try to give an explanation polite and do not ever
argue or give arguments cannot be accepted by customers.
Keep your attitude polite, friendly, and always be calm,
In serving customers
politeness, hospitality must always be maintained. Similarly, the emotions must
always apply under control and calm in the face of unpleasant customers.
Do not deal with things that are not work,
Customer service personnel
should not handle the tasks that are not under its control. Leave it to the
officer who has the right, so there is no mistake in giving information.
Attention attitude and demeanor show wants to help,
Customers who came to the bank in principle
to assist. Therefore, pay full
attention and show that indeed we want to help customers.
2.3.2 Types of
According to Belcher ( in
, there are five types of attitude thats are important in workplaces, that are:
A. Respectfulness
Respect is a very important attitude in the workplace and does
not solely extend to the way in which employees interact with management.
Employees should also have a respectful attitude when interacting with clients
and customers as well as co-workers. Empolyees with this type of attitude are willing
to treat other people politely and profesionally, even if they disagree with
the other persons’s point of view.
B. Pridefulness
It might seem as if being prideful is a good attitude to have in
the workplace, but most employees who have pridefull attitude about their work
tend to work harder to excel. A prideful attitude does not mean that an
employee won’t accept help or work in teams; it simply means that the outcomes
of tasks the employee does how they contribute to the company matter a great deal
to him.
C. Commitment
A commited attitude is a valued one n the workplace. Small
businesses need employees who are not only commited to the goals and
initiatives that affect the bottom line, but who also are commited to their
particular position. Employees project a commited attitude by showing a
willingness to do whatever it takes to fulfill the duties of their positions
and via the depelopment of new ideas to make the company even better.
D. Innovation
Employees with an innovative attitude do not shy away from
trying something new or finding a different way to do things. Small businesses
need employees who can think outside of the box and innovate new ways to
accomplish existing tasks and approach goals. Employees with this type of
attitude know their ideas might not work out to be the best way to do
soomething, but tahat the biggest failure is not at least giving new ideas a
E. Helpulness
It is important to have a helpful attitude at work place, wheter
that means assisting clients and customers with their needs or helping
co-workers accomplish overall company goals. The more helpfull an attitude
employees have, the more people want to be around them at work and the more
willing thay are to partner with those employees on key projects and initiatives.
2.3.3 The Function of Attitude
Attitude has a number of different psychological
functions. Based on the research results of Katz, Smith, Brunner & white
(in Uno, 2012: 100) concluded that there are five important attitudes function.
These five functions are as follows.
1. Attitudes
as a insrumental function
Attitude as
purely instrumental function is used to express the specific circumstances of
our common desire, to get benefit or reward and avoid punishment. Example,
supports the government's efforts to facilitate services to the public, but
oppose levies or taxes are high.
2. Attitudes as a
function of the value of expressive
As a function of the value of expressive gesture used to
express the value to reflect our self-concept. Example, a person has a positive
attitude towards different ethnic and friends for holding strong religious
values of diversity, tolerance and personal freedom.
Attitudes as a function of ego defense
Attitudes as a function of ego defense is to protect us
from a sense of anxiety or threat of danger to our self-esteem. For example, we
always felt optimistic and can do our
work well, although the time available for it to stay little. In the limited
time we shall perform their tasks with patience and not rush. In this case,
emotional well controlled so that it will give the effect of calmness in the
Attitudes as a function of social adjustment
Attitudes as a function of social adjustment means
helping ourselves to be part of a particular social community wherever we are.
We do not become rigid with social conditions and institutions. Spontaneously,
slowly and gradually trying to understand and adapt to existing conditions.
Attitudes as a function of behavior.
And function as a behavioral attitude is the attitude
that has been inherent in us and become part of our behavior in everyday life.
In this case, the observed attitude of ourselves in everyday life is usually
characterized by others as a character in behavior.
2.4 Customer
2.4.1 Definition of
In wikipedia is started costumer is: a person who uses or
receives the product or services of an individual or organization. The word
customer is taken from the word custom, which means the habit. A customer is
someone who comes to a particular store on a regular basis, which makes a bit
of buying activity at a particular store although there are other shops, who
was approached by the owner of the store in order to shop at the storeagain in
the future. For example, people who remember the size and favorite shop owners.
But the word does not refer to people who at the festival, bazaar or from
street vendors. Customer can be classified into two major groups: internal and
external. Internal customer worked on the organization itself, it is possible
in other divisions or other branches. External customer in general is a common
A. Internal Customer
1. People who work in different
departments or branches of provider organizations.
2. Individuals or departments within thje
organization that service goods or services from individuals or other
departments in the organization.
B. External Customer
individual or organization that receives goods or services as a bank, such as
monetary (sales and purchases).
or business people, including providers, banks, and competitors.
goverment, social organization
2.5 Customer satisfaction
2.5.1 Definition of
Customer Satisfaction
Kotler (1996:10), says
“Customer satisfaction is the extended to which product a received performance
matches a buyer expectation. If the product performance falls short of
expectation, the buyer will we dissatisfied. If performances matches or exceed
expectation, the buyer is satisfied or delighted”.
Kind of customer
satisfaction as follows:
or customer feels
give what the customer needs and san make them again
it more customer hoped.
Gasver (2001:34), defines customer satisfaction as a condition
in which the need, desires and expectation met through the customer product
consumed the equation of customer satisfaction.
According to centre for the study of social policy (2007:2)
defines that “customer satisfaction hes been widely debated as organizations
increasingly attempt to measure it. Customer satisfaction can be experienced in
a variety of situation and connected to both goods and services. It is a highly
personal assesment taht is greatly effected by customer expectations.
Satisfactions also is based on the customer’s experience of both contact with
the organization (“the moment of truth” as it is called in business literature)
and personal outcomes. Some researcher within the private sector as “one who
receives significant added value”, to his/her a bottom line a definition that
may apply just as well to public service.
Customer satisfaction is a highly personal assesment that is
greatly influenced by individual expectations. Some definitions are based on
the observations result from either the confirmation and disconfirmation of
individual expectations regarding a service or product. To avoid difficulties
stemming from the kaleidoscope of customer expectations and differences, some expert
urge companies to “concentrate on a goal that’s more closely linked to customer
equity instead of asking wheter customers are satisfied or not. They encourage
companies to determine how customers hold them accountable.
From the explanation above, we can conclude that the
satisfaction is like comparison between experience and avaluation crop, can
produces something which pleasant, satisfaction or not satisfaction. Dislike
emotion not avaluation crop from emotion. Customer satisfactiom research become
topic central in world market research and proliferate.
According to Agus Salim (2009:23) customer satisfaction is a
dress or level of expectation and performance received by a person for activity
or benefit. The indicator are:
1. Feeling, meaasured by:
a. Happy, in this context, happy or glad
with the service received
b. Confortable, in this context
confortable felt by Teller Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis
c. Safe, in this context safe felt by
Teller Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis
2. Belief,
measured by:
on service, it means that customer belief in Bank service Quality
toward the company, it means that belief of customer toward campany image.
According to Umar (2003: 14), there are several
definitions of customer satisfaction were found to experts. However, the
definition of which is referenced many of Oliver (1997) which states that
customer satisfaction is defined as an evaluation of the purchase, in which
perceptions of the performance of alternative products / services selected to meet
or exceed expectations before purchase. If the perception of the performance
cannot meet expectations, then there is dissatisfaction.
Understanding of discontent more dominant than customer
satisfaction. In case of dissatisfaction, much research is directed at disonation and behavioral aspects
of the complaint. Disonation
related to doubts over the choice and purchase decisions have been made.
According to Umar (2003: 15), there are 6 common concept
used to measure customer satisfaction, namely:
1. Overall
customer satisfaction.
The trick, is to
ask customers about the level of satisfaction or services concerned and to
assess and compare the overall level of customer satisfaction or service that
they receive from the competitors.
2. Dimensions
of customer satisfaction.
Through a
four-step process, first, to identify the key dimensions of customer
satisfaction. Second, ask the customer valuing companies based on item -
specific items such as speed of service or hospitality customer service staff.
Third, ask the customer evaluate competitors based services specific items the
same. Fourth, ask the customer to determine the dimensions that exist grouped
according to their importance in assessing the overall customer satisfaction.
3. Confirmation
of expectations.
On this way of
satisfaction is not measured directly, but inferred based on suitability /
mismatch between customer expectations with actual performance of the services
sold by the company.
4. Interest
in repeat purchases.
satisfaction is measured based on whether they will hold a re-purchase the same
services he consumed.
5. Willingness
to recommend.
This method is an
important measure, especially for services that are relatively long repeated
purchases, such as higher education services.
6. Customer
Can be studied
for example in the case of complaints, warranty costs, negative word of mounth,
and defections.
The Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction
Many factors affect customer satisfaction that can
make customers fled the bank, either temporarily or permanently. So that this
incident does not happen then a bank employee, moreover, customer service
should know the factor that affect the customers are dissatisfied and left the
According to Kashmir, in his book Banking Management
(2003: 227), the following are some factors that affect customer satisfaction
so that service to customers leaving the bank, as follows:
1. Unsatisfactory
Many things that
cause customers not satisfied with the services provided by a customer service.
Customers are not served well (ignored), feel ignored or unnoticed or sometimes
customers feel offended.
2. Products that are
not good.
Completeness of the
products offered are less so in accordance with the options customers desire
are not available. Products that do not have excess or offered certain
advantages when compared to products offered by competitors.
3. Broken promises,
not on time.
Customer service
representative did not keep their promises as service time. As well as the
completion of the work which is not in accordance with the wishes of the
4. Costs are
relatively expensive.
Fees charged to
customers is relatively expensive when compared to competitor banks. It also
causes customers to leave the bank in question.
To overcome the
above matters it is necessary to know in ways that make customers feel
satisfied and at ease dealing with the bank concerned, as follows:
1. Customer service
officers are appealing in terms of appearance and speaking style that is not
2. As a responsive
customer service and fast customer desires working or serving customers. In
addition, the services provided must be correct and timely.
3. Provide a
comfortable waiting room like a wide, airy, well lit, beautiful decor, quiet
atmosphere, cleanliness is always maintained, and customers always feel safe.
4. Brochures are
available in full and explained everything so be able to liking.
3.1 Object of the Research
object of this research is The Influence of Teller Attitudes Toward Customer
Satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
3.2 Location and Time of the Research
This research was
conducted at Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis. Hang Tuah Street, Bengkalis from
April until June 2013.
3.3 Type and Source of the Data
3.3.1 Type of Data
The type of data required for this research is quantitative
data. That data is measured indirectly and is shaped in the form of figures or
Source of the Data
There are
two kinds of data used by the writer as follows:
Primary Data
Primary data are that the data receive
from the company through interview to
the staffs or coordinator of the company related with the research and by the
give questioner to the customer who has make transaction with Bank Mandiri
Syariah tellers.
2. Secondary
data is the information that has already been presented and collected for some
other objsectives. There have been several advantages of secondary data. It is
easily accessible, relatively inexpensive and quickly obtained since it has
already been existed. In this research, the secondary data was collected from
many resources such as the academic textbooks, news, the internet for the
latest news about customer service management, the annual reports of Bank
Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis, and journals that are related to the research topic.
3.4 Type of the Research
This research is a
quantitative research. According to Kotler in Arif (2001:13), “A quantitative
research involves colleting data in order to test hypothesis or another
question concerning the current status of the subject of the study”. This research
is designed to describe and interpret as objectively as possible the influence
of teller attitude toward customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Syariah
3.5 Population and
3.5.1 Population
Population is generalization district that consists of
object/subject that has certain quality and characteristic that the researcher
decided to be studied and then to make a conclusion, Sugiyono (2005:72). The
population in this research includes all of
visitor of Bank Mandiri Syariah Customers.
3.5.2 Sample
This research uses a purposive sampling
technique. purposive sampling
technique is "sampling technique with specific
considerations”. This technique can be interpreted as a sampling process
to determine in advance the number of samples to be taken, then the sample
selection is done on the basis of
specific objectives, provided it does not deviate from the characteristics of the sample set. Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif,
Kualitatif Dan R & D (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2008)
3.6 Data Collection Technique
To obtain the neccesary data in this research, researcher used
data collection method as follows:
1. Library Studies
That data collection tehcniques by studying books related to the
study variales. In literature the author can get an overview of research or
theory behind the study authors that the study study authors didnot stray from
the subject matter.
2. Observation
That data collection techniques through observation and
recording of the research object. Observations made that the data obtained by
the author really is the original data and up to date. The observation was done
by direct visits to the Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis. Any source from the
bank such as brochures, pappers, etc are also useful to add more information
for this research.
3. Questionaire
That data collection techniques by questioner is used for
collecting the data from customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah about teller
attitudes. In this research, the questioner made by researcher consist of nine
question. Five question about the teller attitude of Bank Mandiri Syariah and
four question about the Customers satisfaction in Bank Mandiri Syariah
3.7 Classification of
The collected of scale is used to classification of ordinal at
element to check by the each answer given by score, passed to highest score of
most supporting answer, while score of low passed answer which do not support.
As for scale model of ordinal at this research shall be as follows:
For answer very satisfied
is given score 4
For answer satisfied is
given score 3
For answer enough
satisfied is given score 2
d. For answer not satisfied is given score 1 (Agus Salim :
3.8. Research Hypothesis
is a temporary answer whereas from problems to check and studied, from this
hypothesis a research of flange will at the target of research of itself, so
the hypothesis needed in research as director in order to do or conduct the
solution and data collecting.
hypothesis whereas are as follows:
Ho, = There is no significant influence between teller
attitude and customer satisfaction level.
Ha = There is significant influence between teller attitude and customer
satisfaction level.
Data Analysis Technique
The tehcnique used to analyze the
data is a quantitative technique. It means the writer analyzes or explains the problem using a
statistic research. In this research, researcher use the questioner to get the
opinion from the cutomer about the attitude of Bank Mandiri Syariah tellers.
questioner consists of nine questions. Five questions about teller attitude and
four questions about customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Syariah. After the
data about teller attitude and customer satisfaction was collected, it is
calculated or analized it to get the answer wheater teller attitude is
influence to customer satisfaction or not.
Respondents’ Responses about Teller’ss
Attitutude at Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis
This chapter
explains data collected from the questionnaires on the tellers attitude
variable towards customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
Respondents’ Responses toward Tellers Attitude that Greet Politely and Gently to Every Customer.
This item
is used to know the respondents’ responses toward tellers attitude that greet politely to every
customer. It is explained in table 4.1 below:
Respondents’ Responses Toward Tellers
that Greet Politely to Every Customer.
Sangat Setuju
Kurang Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Primary Data
Based on the
table above, from 50 Respondents, 26 respondents or 52 % says ‘very agree’ toward tellers attitude that greet politely to every customer, 23 respondents
or 46% ‘answer agree’, then 1 respondent or 2% answer ‘rather agree’, and no respondents
answer ‘not agree’.
So it can
be concluded, generally the customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis very
agreed that the teller greeted
politely to every customer.
4.1.2 Respondents’
Responses toward Tellers Attitude that Serve Customer with Smile.
This item
is used to know the respondents’ responses toward tellers attitude that serve customer with smile.
It is explained in table 4.2 below:
Tabel 4.2
Respondents’ Responses Toward Teller’s Attitude
that Serve
Customer with Smile.
Respondents’’s response
Sangat Setuju
Kurang Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Source: Primary Data
Based on the
table above, from 50 respondents, 19 respondents or 38% says ‘very agree’ toward tellers attitude that serve customer with smile, 31 respondents
or 62% answer ‘agree’, and no respondent answer ‘rather agree’ and ‘not agree ‘.
So it can
be concluded, generally the customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis agreed toward
tellers attitude that served
customer with smile.
4.1.3 Respondents’ Responses toward Tellers Attitude
that Do Not Intterupt when Customers are Talking
This item
is used to know the Respondents’ responses toward tellers attitude that do not
intterupt when customers are talking. It is explained in table 4.3 below:
Respondents’ Responses Toward Teller
Attitude that
Do Not Intterupt when Customers are
Sangat Setuju
Kurang Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Source: Primary Data
Based on the
table above, from 50 respondents, 18 respondents or 36% says ‘very agree’ toward teller attitude that do not intterupt when customers are
talking, 29 respondents or 58% answer ‘agree’, 3 respondents
or 3% answer ‘rather agree’ and no respondent answer ‘not agree’.
So it can
be concluded, generally the customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis agreed toward
tellesr attitude that do not intterupt when customers are talking.
4.1.4 Respondents’ Responses toward Tellers Attitude
that Listen to Any Complaints from
Customers Calmly and Diligently.
This item
is used to know the respondents’ responses toward tellers attitude that listen to any complaints
from customers calmly and diligently. It is explained in table
4.4 below:
Respondents’ Responses Toward Tellers
Attitude that Listen to
Any Complaints from
Customers Calmly and Diligently.
Sangat Setuju
Kurang Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Primary Data
Based on the
table above, from 50 respondents, 18 respondents or 36% says ‘very agree’ toward tellers attitude that listen to any complaints from customers calmly and diligently,
28 respondents or 56% ‘answer
agree’, 4 respondents or 8% answer ‘rather agree’ and no respondent answer ‘not
So it can
be concluded, generally the customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis agreed toward
tellers attitude that listen to any complaints from customers calmly and diligently.
4.1.5 Respondents’ Responses toward Tellers Attitude
Show Attention and Want to Help Every Customer.
This item
is used to know the Respondents’ responses toward tellers attitude show
attention and want to help every customer. It is explained in table 4.5 below:
Respondents’ Responses toward Tellers
Attitude Show
Attention and Want to Help Every
Sangat Setuju
Kurang Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Source: Primary Data
Based on the
table above, from 50 Respondents, 20 Respondents or 40% ‘says very’ toward tellers attitud show attention and want to help every
customer, 27 respondents or 54% ‘answer agree’, 3 respondents
or 6% answer ‘rather agree’ and no respondent
answer ‘not agree’.
So it can
be concluded, generally the customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis agreed toward
tellers attitud show attention and want to help very customer.
Respondents’ Responses about Customer
Satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis
4.2.1 Respondents’ Responses toward
Happiness Level toward service given by Teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah
To know the respondents’ responses toward
happiness level toward service given by teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah
Bengkalis. It can be seen in table 4.6 below:
Table 4.6
Responses Toward Happiness Level Toward Service Given
Teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis
Respondents’’s response
Source: Primary Data
Based on the table above, from 50
respondents, 13 respondents or 26% says
‘very happy’ toward happiness level toward service
given by teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis, 29 Respondents or 58% answer
‘agree’, 8 Respondents or 16% answer ‘rather agree’ and no respondent answer ‘not agree’.
So it can be concluded, generally the
customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis are happy toward toward happiness
level toward service given by teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis
4.2.2 Respondents’ Responses toward the Security and Confidentiality of the
Data Provided by the
Teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah
To know the respondents’ responses toward
the security and confidentiality of the data provided by the teller of Bank mandiri syariah bengkalis.. it can be seen in table 4.7 below:
Table 4.7
Respondents’ Responses toward the Security and Confidentiality
of the Data Provided by the Teller of Bank Mandiri
Syariah Bengkalis.
Respondents’’s response
Sangat memuaskan
Cukup Memuaskan
Tidak Mmuaskan
Source: Primary Data
Based on the table above, from 50
respondents, 19 respondents or 38% says ‘very
satisfied’ toward the security and confidentiality of the data provided by the teller
of Bank
Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis, 27 respondents
or 54% answer ‘satisfied’, 4 respondents or 8% answer ‘rather satisfied’ and no respondent answer ‘not satisfied’.
So it can be concluded, generally the
customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis satisfied toward the
security and confidentiality of the
data provided by the teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah
4.2.3 Respondents’ Responses toward Service Quality given by Teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
To know the respondents’ responses toward
Service quality given by teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah
Bengkalis. it can be seen in table 4.8 below:
Table 4.8
Responses Toward Service Quality Given by
Teller of Bank
Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
Sangat Memuaskan
Cukup Memuaskan
Tidak Memuaskan
Source: Primary Data
Based on the table above, from 50 respondents, 16 respondents or 32% says ‘very satisfied’ toward service
quality given by teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis,
27 respondents or 54% answer ‘satisfied’ 7 respondents or 14% answer
‘rather satisfied’ and no respondent
anwer ‘not satisfied’.
So it can
be concluded, generally the customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis were satisfied
toward service quality
given by teller of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
4.2.4 Respondents’ Responses toward
the Statement that the Bank Mandiri Syariah is the Best Bank in Bengkalis.
To know the respondents’ responses
toward the statement that the Bank Mandiri Syariah is the Best Bank in
Bengkalis. it can be seen in table 4.9 below:
Table 4.9
Respondents’ Responses toward the Statement that the Bank
Mandiri Syariah is
the Best Bank in Bengkalis.
Respondents’’s response
Sangat Setuju
Cukup Setuju
Tidak Setuju
Source: Primary Data
Based on the table above, from 50
respondents, 16 respondents or 32% says
‘very agree’ toward the statement that Bank Mandiri Syariah is the
best bank in Bengkalis, 31 Respondents or 62% answer ‘agree’,
3 Respondents or 6% answer ‘rather agree’ and no respondents answer ‘not agree’.
So it can be concluded, generally the
customers of Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis agreed toward the statement that the
Bank Mandiri Syariah is the best bank in Bengkalis.
4.3 Influence Teller
Attitudes toward Customers Satisfaction
In this part, the hypothesis is tested.
The hypothesis is there is influence of teller’s attitude toward customer
satisfaction at Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis.
5.4.1 Statistic Test
To know the influence of teller attitude (X) toward customer
satisfaction (Y), it can be calculated with correlation product moment formula
which is as follows:

n =
∑ X1 =
∑ Y = 624
∑ X12 = 14288
∑ Y2 = 8314
∑ X1Y = 10829

So, r xy
can calculate, as below:

From the result, it can be known there is positive relation or 1,13
between service quality (X) toward customer satisfaction (Y). To give the interpretation on the
relationship is used table below:
Based on the significant test above, apparently r hitung > r tabel.
r hitung = 1,13 and r tabel = 0,279
So Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means there is positive relation
between teller’s attitude and customer satisfaction.
Next, to know the influence of teller attitude (X) toward
customer satisfaction (Y), it can be calculated with determinant coefission
formula as below:
= r2 . 100%
(1,13)2 . 100%
1,2769 . 100%
13 %
Based on the determinant confession (KD) on previous page, it
can be known that the teller attitude variable (X) influence the customer
satisfaction variable (Y) is 13%, and 87% is influenced by other variables.
Uji Signifikansi Korelasi Product Moment

5.1 Conclusion
Based on the research finding, it
can be concluded that:
1. The result of the study shows
that rhitung > r tabel.
r hitung = 1,13 and r tabel = 0,279
So Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means there is positive relation
between teller attitude and customer satisfaction.
3. It was found
that thitung (28,6) > ttable (2,009). It means that there is
significant influence between teller attitude and customer satisfaction.
5.2 Suggestion
There are some suggestion to Bank
Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis. There are:
Bank Mandiri
Syariah Bengkalis should improve the teller’s
attitude because from the result
of this study, it was found that the teller’s attitude has positive and significant relationship toward
customer satisfaction.
2. Bank Mandiri Syariah Bengkalis should
give a training to the employees (teller) to improve their work performance.
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Other Resources: